Course Fees : Rs 80,000/- 5 Weeks Thane (West), Mumbai Dr.Anju - 7303338073




  • Thorough Lectures by Renowned Mentors and MDS faculty.
  • Extensive Pre clinical handson on extracted teeth & models.
  • Patient work will be supervised by in house mentors
  • On shoulder guidance & doubt solving by all our mentors.

Register for Workshop

  • Course Duration: 5 Weeks

  • Course Fees: Rs 80,000/-

  • Venue: Thane (West)

Work On Patients

  • 10 RCTs (Anterior & Posterior)

  • 10 Crowns (Metal & PFM)

  • 15 Composites (Anterior & Posterior)

  • 15 Extractions (Including Firm & Grossly carious)

  • Post N Core cases

  • Crown Lengthening Procedures

  • Subgingival Scaling & Curettage Procedures.

Weeks Duration

Cases of RCT

Cases of extractions

Cases of tooth preparation

composite restorations



  • Pre Op Xray ( Read, Plan, Execute)
  • Importance of Pre Endo built up.
  • Access opening ( Not less, Not more )
  • Importance of Straight Line Access & Glide Path.
  • Measuring WL using Apex Locator.
  • Canal shaping using Rotary file system.
  • Role of Irrigation & Activation to achieve 3 Dimensional cleaning.
  • Role of Intracanal Medicaments, Caoh/ TAP.
  • Apical Gauging & -Selection of Master cone.
  • Sealers - Which ? When ?
  • 3D Obturation using
  • Cold Lateral Condensation Technique, Warm Vertical Compaction Technique & Single Cone Bioceramic sealer technique.
  • Puff or no Puff.
  • Curved Canals
  • Ledges
  • Perforations
  • Internal / External -Resorption
  • Periapical lesion cases
  • Pulp stones & Calcified Canals
  • Bypassing Broken Files
  • Managing Confluent -Canals
  • Open Apex Cases
  • C shaped canal cases
  • Re RCT cases
  • Endo Perio lesions
  • Hot tooth
  • Role of MTA & Biodentine
  • Hypochlorite Accidents
  • Tips for finding MB2 & MM in molars.
  • Do,s & Don't,s of Rotary Endodontics.
  • Tips for Recording/Documenting your cases
  • Case discussion & Doubt Solving sessions.

Demonstration of

  • Cleaning & Shaping Protocol with Rotary files.

  • Obturation of canals using CLC, & Single cone Bioceramic sealer Obturation technique.

  • Removing Densely compacted Gp in ReRCT cases using Retreatment file system.

  • Post N Core - Steps & Technique.

  • Irrigation & Activation using Activating devices.

  • Application of MTA for obturating Open Apex case.

  • Application of Rubber Dam for Root canal t/t cases.

Hands-on - 10 cases of RCT (ant/post) on Patients using Rotary files.



  • Sterilization & Infection Control.
  • Dry Sterilization/Cold Sterilization/Autoclave
  • Significance of Medical History.
  • Armamentarium required.
  • Local aneasthethics.
  • Nerve Block Techniques
  • Complications of Local anaesthesia & it's management.
  • Exodontia techniques.
  • Techniques of using different Forceps & Elevators
  • Role of Luxators
  • Transalveolar extraction
  • Disimpaction surgeries
    • Mesioangular
    • Distoangular
    • Horizontal
    • Vertical.
  • Different type of incisions.
  • Flap reflection techniques.
  • Suture materials & suturing techniques.
  • Handling Medical Complications & Emergencies.
  • Role of Intramascular injections post surgical cases.
  • Managing Space Infections & T/T planning.

Demonstration of

  • Nerve Blocks & Extractions.

  • Flap reflection & Suturing Techniques.

  • Disimpaction procedure

  • Delivering Intramascular injections postoperatively.

Hands-on - 15 cases of extractions ( ant/post) on Patients.



  • Basics of Tooth preparation
  • Principles of FPD
  • Anterior and Posterior Crown prep
  • Difference between crown prep for - metal , PFM and metal free crowns.
  • Shade selection
  • Lab communication
  • Gingival retraction techniques
  • Impression Materials
  • Impression Techniques
  • Tray Selection
  • Bite registration Materials
  • Bite Registration Techniques
  • Temporisation
  • Crown Cementation
  • Occlusal Considerations
  • Case discussion and Doubt Solving sessions.

Removable Partial Denture (RPD)

  • Principles of RPD
  • Case Selection
  • Steps in RPD
  • Path of Insertion
  • Lab Communication
  • RPD delivery
  • Case Discussion and Doubt Solving sessions

Complete Denture (CD)

  • Principles of Complete Denture
  • Ridge Evaluation
  • Primary Impression
  • Border Moulding.
  • Final Impression
  • Jaw Relation
  • Lab Communication
  • Trial
  • Denture Delivery
  • Post delivery maintainence & care.
  • Case Discussion and Doubt Solving sessions.

Demonstration of

  • Primary Impression

  • Border moulding

  • Final Impressions

  • Jaw Relations

  • Try In

  • Denture Delivery

Hands-on - Each participant will be doing 10 cases of tooth preparation (ant/post) on Patients.

Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry


  • Introduction to Science of Composites
  • Case Selection
  • Indications & Contraindications of Composites.
  • Cavity Designing
  • Isolation
  • Etching protocols
  • Bonding Techinques
  • Wedging and Matricing
  • Biomimetic Restorations
  • Techniques of Restoration
    • Layering Technique
    • Sandwich Technique
    • Injection moulding Technique
  • Finishing and Polishing Protocol.
  • Case Discussion and Doubt Solving sessions.
  • Recent Advances in Composites
  • Armamentarium required
  • Case Selection
  • Cavity Designing
  • Beveling
  • Shade Selection
  • Isolation
  • Wedging and Matricing
  • Etching & Bonding protocol.
  • Techniques of Restorations
  • Principles of Diastemma Closure
  • Tricks for life like restorations
  • Finishing and Polishing
  • Case Discussion and Doubt Solving sessions
  • Bleaching Procedure
    • Steps in Bleaching
    • Tips to avoid post Bleaching Sensitivity
    • Case Discussion


  • On Typho: Participants will learn Start to end procedure for Class 1,2 and 5 restorations

  • On Patients: Participants will get a demo on patient of Ellis Class 2 fracture built up with direct composite Restoration

Handson - Each participant will be doing 15 composite restorations on Patients. (Anterior/Posterior restorations and post obturation restoration)

Add Ons

Guest Lectures by eminent speakers

  • Local anaesthesia techniques.
  • Pediatric Endodontics
  • (Pulpectomy & Pulpotomy)
    • Space maintainer
  • Preformed SS crowns & Strip crowns
  • Role of sealants, fluoride varnish & SDF.
  • Kickstart to new dental practice.
  • Patient Communication & Handling Objections.
  • Building a reference based practice.
  • Digital Marketing of your Practice.


Dr. Ganesh Maurya


Dr. Deepa Nagrani

Restorative and Aesthetic dentistry

Dr. Shardul Lokare

Oral Surgery

Dr. Amit Sadhwani
